
Resume Spring Cleaning

This is the time of year when many of us clean out our garages, venture down to the basement to do a bit of reorganizing, and in general tidy up our living spaces.  Your resume deserves the same type of treatment from time to time, even if you are completely happy with your current job […]

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The Proactive Bird Gets The Worm

By Peter Jenkins, Office Coordinator, Drake & Company Staffing Specialists You have been looking for a new job for a few weeks, and you have seen several positions online that interest you and match up well with your background. As instructed, you promptly e-mailed your resume and also attached a cover letter and a list […]

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More Resume Questions With Peter

By Stephanie Beirne Leuer, Marketing Coordinator, Drake & Company Staffing Specialists Drake & Company Staffing Specialists’ Office Coordinator and Resume Specialist Peter Jenkins is back for the second installment of his resume tips for job applicants. Find out what how long your resume should be and what to do about gaps in employment. Stephanie Beirne […]

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Resume Questions With Peter

Drake & Company’s Office Coordinator and Resume Specialist Peter Jenkins answers some questions about what employers look for in a job seeker’s resume. In this video he addresses common resume mistakes, what job seekers can do to stand out and how applicants benefit from the use of a resume service.

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Cap, Gown, Diploma – Résumé?

So, you just proudly strutted across the stage and eagerly grabbed your hard earned college dipolma from a smiling dean. Congratuations! You worked for years to make it to this point and you accomplished a lot (and hopefully had fun along the way!). Now, unless you are going back to school to pursue yet another degree, you find yourself searching for a job.

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